meet the owner

Hi, I'm Betsy!

Welcome to Yellow Crush!
I'm the founder of Yellow Crush Fitness have been a fitness professional since 2015. My passion for partnering with women to achieve their fitness goals stems from my own journey. I didn't always enjoy exercise and definitely didn't start off as an athlete.

I personally know what it is like to build up fitness from scratch for the first time or after a long break from exercise. But, I have seen first-hand how accountability, dedication, knowledge, and guidance from someone who knows the ropes can transform a fitness journey. Everyone can use some support navigating a world that really isn't setting most of us up to be healthy.

I’m thrilled that online fitness coaching provides the ability for trainers and coaches to work with clients easily, efficiently, and more completely. I get to work with my clients daily across nutrition, exercise, activity, hydration, sleep and more. In this way, I believe online coaching is an ideal way to facilitate fitness transformation.

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Fitness Experience & Affilations

I've been a fitness professional in various capacities since 2015, including group fitness instructor, behavioral change wellness facilitator, indoor cycling instructor, BODYPUMP instructor, personal trainer, and nutrition coach.

My credentials and interests include:

Group Exercise Instructor, ACE

Certified Personal Trainer, NASM

Certified Nutrition Coach, NASM

Nuun Hydration Ambassador 2023, 2022

PR Performance Triathlon Team


Favorite forms of exercise:
Swimming, biking, and running (I love triathlons), hiking, strength training, and skiing.

Proudest fitness accomplishments:
I enjoy competing in triathlons - my two proudest triathlon moments of that were finishing my first full Ironman 140.6 and qualifying for the Half Ironman 70.3 Champsionship.

Favorite way to wind down:
Head to a local lake, paddleboard out, lay down, and doze off in the peace & sunshine.

Learn about Online Coaching


Yellow Crush Merchandise

Browse my fun and athletic-themed t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and more! All designs were created by me, Betsy, inspired by fitness fun and triatlon training. (Oh... and if you're wondering, yes that's my curious cat, Nala.)

Browse Yellow Crush Merchandise

Print on Demand - - worth the wait!

Our products are printed-on-demand, which means when you submit your order, it takes an extra 2-3 days to print before shipping out to you. The benefit? Less waste.

- decreased material waste
- reduced water waste
- more efficient packaging and transport

Rather than printing off large quantities which often results in excess, we can print and send out only what is needed. This is part of our effort and commitment to quality products that are manufactured ethically and sustainably.

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